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Allergies: Awareness & Prevention

Allergies don’t take a break in California – especially during February! From blooming trees to unpredictable weather, it's easy to be caught off guard. Here’s what you need to know to keep symptoms at bay and stay comfortable all month long.
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Seasonal Headaches and Migraines

The onset changing seasons can be a nightmare for those who suffer from migraines. This is because many people experience a change in their sleep cycles, diet, and exercise routine due to the change in seasons.
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News Posts

Here is where you will find the latest news posts & newsletters from our marketing team! Click "Read More" to download the assoicated PDF for each post to see the full version!


Flu Shots

Flu shots are now available at the clinic.

TB Testing

Need a TB test for work or school? Give us a call to schedule a TB assesment or test!


COVID-19 testing & vaccinations are available at the clinic.